CNC High-Speed 2-Axis Broom Making Machine

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This is a CNC 2-axis high-speed broom tufting machine with Panasonic servo motors, the fastest tufting speed is 8 holes per second, is a really popular model among broom suppliers. Under "Automatic Mode", it makes plastic brooms continuously, non-stop, which keeps high work efficiency.

Its tufting method is anchor-type (flat wire). Please note that it makes brooms with flat surfaces only, and the plastic broom pieces should be already molded with holes in advance.

If you want to save manpower, welcome to take a look at this broom filling machine with automatic feeding system.

Feeling really interested in broom making machine and thinking of using it to make your own broom models? Please do not hesitate to contact us at or just leave a message on this page, we guarantee that your inquiry will be treated with top priority.

  • ***uad2023.10.24
    Est ce que cette machine fabrique seulement des balais ou aussi les brosses ? Merci
  • Chloe (Int'l Sales)2023.10.24

    Honorable ***uad, Bienvenue sur notre site Web, nous sommes heureux de laisser votre demande ici. 1) en plus du balai en plastique, cette machine peut également faire des brosses à linge, des brosses de bain et d'autres brosses de nettoyage domestiques similaires tant que la surface tuftée est plate horizontalement. 2) en outre, nous vous avons envoyé un devis par e - mail, s'il vous plaît vérifier. 3) Quels modèles de brosse allez - vous faire, s'il vous plaît? Ce serait génial si vous pouviez nous envoyer quelques photos afin que nous puissions confirmer quelle machine est la meilleure pour votre situation. Sincèrement dans l'attente de votre lettre. Je souhaite saluer!

  • ***ahi2023.03.04
    Machine. Price
  • Chloe (Int'l Sales)2023.04.18

    Dear ***ahi, thanks so much for your inquiry about our broom machines. 1) Firstly I'd like to say I do apologize for this unbelievably late reply, as I stopped working for some time and just came back to the factory to retake over all the past business inquiries. 2) However, our salesman Mr Hase already sent you quotation with relevant details, right? Should you have any further doubt about this broom machine, please do not hesitate to let us know, it'll be our great pleasure to get back to you. Best Regards!

  • ***inh2017.07.06
    interested to getting more information for this broom machine
  • Chloe (Int'l Sales)2017.07.07

    Dear ***inh, glad to receive your message and thanks for your interest in this broom machine. 1) The price and relevant details were already sent to you by email, please kindly check your mailbox. 2) Its fastest tufting speed is 8 holes per second; and the maximum length of filaments it processes is 120mm. 3) Would you mind sending us some photos of the broom models you plan to make, pls? So that we could confirm whether this 2-axis broom tufting machine is the most suitable one for you. Sincerely looking forward to hearing from you. Kind Regards!

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