High-Speed 2-Axis Plastic Broom Tufting Machine

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This is a popular 2-axis high-speed broom tufting machine with servo motors, it's making plastic brooms with brown filaments.

On the above video, the machine was under "Semi-Automatic Mode", thus it stopped after it finshed a working cycle. If the broom machine is under "Automatic Mode", it can tuft plastic brooms continually, non-stop, which keeps high working efficiency.

You might be interested to take a look at this new 2-axis broom tufting machine with automatic broom-bases feeding system.

Curious to find out more details about this CNC high-speed broom tufting machine? Please do feel free to contact us at chloe@brushmachine1.com or just leave a message on this page, it'll be our great pleasure to get back to you with a professional solution.

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