4-Axis 3-Head Toilet Brush Making Machine (New Style)

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This 4-axis 3-head toilet brush drilling and tufting machine is our latest model, which was developed and finished in Nov 2017.

It was designed to produce spherical toilet brushes only, and its maximum working speed is 5 holes per second.

The advantage of this 4-axis 3-head machine is that its working speed is faster than our 5-axis 3-head machine and it's also much cheaper than a 5-axis 3-head machine, while the disadvantage is that it makes spherical toilet brushes only and cannot make other brush models. However, our 5-axis 3-head machine can make many different brush models, on condition that the grippers (fixtrues) are changed accordingly.

Feeling very interested in this 4-axis 3-head toilet brush making machine and have some further doubts? Please do feel free to contact us at chloe@brushmachine1.com or just directly leave a message on this page, it'll be our great pleasure to hear from you.

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